(416) 903 - 2907 info@accelle.com

Innovator ⋅ leader ⋅ marketer ⋅ educator ⋅ coach

hi, I’m Kristina.

After 25+ years in the technology industry, including two successful exits, I decided to leave my EVP and CMO position within a global technology HCM organization to help women ACCELLErate their performance through one-on-one executive coaching and consulting.


My years of leadership experience and international certified coaching combine to form a unique toolkit including winning templates and strategies to augment the journey’s of my clients, and help them reach their goals – faster!


I founded ACCELLE to support my growing passion and commitment to help get more women into senior leadership positions.  I am committed to continuing to develop and provide solutions that empower women to develop confidence, leadership presence and belong to a community where they can thrive.


I also pride myself on giving back to my community by supporting young girls and women. I founded the Cleary Leadership Athletic Scholarship in partnership with the University of Guelph in support of women athletes.  I am also an in-school mentor with the Big Brothers and Sisters organization where I help young girls increase their confidence as they continue to grow and develop. And finally, ACCELLE is a proud sponsor of the girls U15A York Central Panthers Hockey Team.


Outside the office you can find me spending time with my husband of 20+ years, and as Chief Mom to my teenage daughter and son. When not getting beat by my kids at ping pong, I manage work-life integration by effectively incorporating my passions including reading, running, working out and team sports including volleyball and hockey.


And lastly, like my friends, you can call me KC.  Nothing inspires me more on this journey than meeting and connecting with people.  If you would like to connect, please click here to set up an intro call! I look forward to learning about you and your journey.



Competitive Spirit

I love competing – at ANYTHING. I have played competitive sports my entire life, including running, soccer and volleyball. And when I’m not watching my kids playing competitive volleyball, you’ll find me on the court or out on the lake curling! 

About KC
Kristina Cleary About


Adventure Traveller

I love adventure travel. There’s nothing like it to rejuvenate the soul.

Before getting married, my husband and I went around the world – 28 flights in five months. Our last adventure trip as a family was to the Galápagos Islands.


Converted Dog Lover

I love my cavapoo Finley. 

I am a transformed dog lover. I didn’t like dogs for most of my life. Our 20 lb cavapoo has converted me.

About Kristina Cleary

Fun facts about KC


In 2018 I was recognized as one of Canada’s top 100 Most Powerful Women


I don’t drink coffee. Never have. I’m a die-hard Earl Grey tea drinker


I’m a closet Bachelor, Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise fan


I am the 1989 Canadian Freestyle Rope Skipping Champion – hand me a rope and I’ll show you a trick


I started my University journey at the University of Guelph but graduated from the University of Adelaide, Australia


2022 was the 30th anniversary of my high school cross-country OFSSAA championship gold medal

Learn more about the ACCELLE team, Advisory Board and our commitment to giving back to our community.




Ongoing learning and coaching to support your personal and professional success.

Join the ACCELLE All Year Membership to become part of an exclusive community of passionate, results-driven women and achieve your personal and professional goals – FASTER.


Benefits of becoming an ACCELLE member:

 LEARN. Monthly learning and development sessions on topics relevant to the advancement of women in the workplace. 

 GROW. Monthly group coaching sessions with two certified, experienced coaches with a combined 50+ years of corporate experience.  

 NETWORK. Join a group of like-minded women professionals. Expand your trusted circle and develop relationships with women from all over the world.

Kristina Cleary is a proud

IPEC and ICF, Certified Coach

Our vision is a world full of diverse leadership. To help make that a reality, we’re on a mission to increase the number of people identifying as women in leadership by ACCELLErating their personal and professional success through content, coaching and community.