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When you think about great leadership, what traits come to mind?

Chances are, you’re thinking of a strong leader with a host of admirable qualities like confidence, charisma, intelligence, and a focused, innovative thinker.

But there’s another leadership trait that many successful leaders have in common. And a trait that is often a debate in both my women in leadership group coaching sessions — and that’s HUMILITY.

Now, if you’re thinking “Humility? Really?” I get it. Humility isn’t the most common trait associated with well-known business leaders. (Let’s be honest — you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who would call Steven Jobs humble.)

But it’s not difficult to understand why this trait is not commonly linked to strong leadership when you look at WHAT humility means. By definition, humiity is a low view of one’s own importance.  However – a better description may come from author Rich Warren who says, “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” Therefore – it is not so much a lack of confidence as it is a lack of ego.

Humility is a powerful asset for leaders. It encourages active listening, fosters collaboration, and builds stronger relationships. As a woman in leadership, embracing humility allows you to connect with your team on a deeper level, gain their trust, and create a positive work environment. By acknowledging your own limitations, you open yourself up to learning from others and encouraging their growth, which can lead to better outcomes for your organization.

Let’s dive into humility and how it can be an asset in your leadership toolkit, as well as how it might potentially get in your way.


Authenticity and Approachability: Humble leaders are perceived as more authentic and approachable. This quality can help break down barriers and encourage open communication, allowing team members to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. By creating an inclusive atmosphere, women leaders can harness the collective intelligence of their teams, fostering innovation and creativity.

Building Strong Relationships: Humility enables leaders to build strong and genuine relationships with their team members. When women leaders approach their roles with humility, they create an environment where individuals feel valued and supported. This not only increases employee engagement and loyalty but also promotes a culture of respect and collaboration.

Empowering Others: Humble leaders empower others by acknowledging their contributions and providing opportunities for growth. By highlighting the strengths of team members and encouraging their professional development, women leaders can nurture a sense of ownership and confidence within their teams. This approach not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to the overall success of the organization.
